China and the Coming Storm


Mom asks a lot about her ‘things’; the china cabinet and china mostly. Over and over, I see the disappointment in her face as I tell her that they are gone, and that there was just too much for me to keep it all. I did the best I could, saved what I thought was important and left the rest behind.


I dream nightly of going back to collect what I’ve forgotten. I sneak around what used to be our home. I also dream that a storm is rolling in and I am searching for Mom to make certain she is safe. I find her the way she always has been: independent, stubborn and angry. She doesn’t want to come with me to safety, and I refuse to leave her behind.

Do you have anything you regret leaving behind? How do you think it effects the life you live today? 


It doesn’t have to be an object, that thing you left behind.

About clutterheart

You don't know me, but you will.
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2 Responses to China and the Coming Storm

  1. mwebster76 says:

    Such a beautiful picture of your mom, Anna. I hope had a good visit with her.


    • clutterheart says:

      Thanks Mandy! It was a good visit. I wish I lived closer to her so it didn’t have to be such a huge ordeal to see her. There’s always the possibility of moving her here too…but then I’d be stuck here.


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